New-York Tribune from New York, New York (2024)

Yankees Giants Idle Trotting and Pacing Polo Boxing Automobiling YANKEES. FOR CHANGE, LOSE IN EKIM nuts Naps Seize Advantage Thir? teenth and Put Over the Winning Run. BOTH TEAMS PLAY POORLY Much Bad Running and Fair Pitching Keeps Score Down in Long Gamo. inte Hon ti in store th? palpitai! In- 'line Inn- liahed ovei before aubi on at tiie handa of the Clev? ips. II thr? in of thi? i Ith hlgbl) poll to win sprouted, bios 1 Wont d.

with i mm a a hei I it I ip the harveet thet tha f-. ami allghtl) bored 1 Mitchell, both Ray Kit-her end George HcConnell in a pitching duel which not with- out merit. The eanie when il learned pass lo Chapmen tha be? hnaton la a edvandni to second. His ursjon to came ta tha reault of a I Knight, who. after taking IfcCon throw that extinguished Johnaton, m.ole needleae bei I ond, which wandered Into left Joe did stan?) upon cere? mony in bringing home the winning run He tha lure! bell through short iwo ling Johnaton nt tr.

and joe was nipped try? ing to take thlr?) 'turn to the infield Mitchell contributed two halls lha lest half of th" frame, bul Sew In i erller li i no inclination to make them to attach a run or two. There wer? on? or two bright in fray, but on the whole it a lot of playing. Which took the form I Of fearful base running, Roger pnugh. the dashing New BhOltatOP. did hia beet io relieve the dull moa rf affairs i He thirteen rhani" without an i and part'iok In four death deaJIng took heart Cleveland attack.

Marry Wolter made miperflne eaf-hes in centre field, pi. roaming by In the fifth a.Kceeding skill, He 0-rralled five II aa celling it an in violent lepers ol form in th? the three pltchera who took pert in Ira eeded hits well enough I to make light. Mitchell i while Kleber waa fo ind for in frames, and McConnell, work had th? most al I) four In six. The twlrler waa good and bed by torne. Me fanned men with i- and with Twelva batamen f-it th? while -i' Tel so foreign the to th? of the Vankeei i.a* they twelve men left on the Plaher an-i McConnell gave three o'i' foul 'hem, Ing Cleveland gbl ai ded.

The base running of both teams was wirtehed. Wolt': should had three' on a sharp drive in il Bret I Ht -r and so failed then second when the ball through Qraney Qoaeett threw a run when tiled -o on a passed tall In the seventh, omitting hit to the dirt he cama ati'l a- out. to Mitchell t'cause of thla ih- Yankees extracted OBly run out of frame, heu the misfht have been won then and After Hanz. i had walked nt the begin-: nlr.fc of th? eleventh showed th? a afet down liflce bum to Turner and failed to run out the hit, so that when Hartzeil loreed at the New York pitch': doubled al The sins of the Naps ont to take bases on reps of left an?) right field. al to the ai Wl In the nir' ran up and down between teCOnd and lor aoma time, to let Hit md on an 'nti-id grounder, but the Cleveland pi'clier refused to The Yankee-.

the first frame doubles by end Daniele. Three a row by Mldkilf, Qoesctl and HartaaU, batting ptahar in tha aev enth, netted an tl ai Hit? bell'a Rj to left which Ctm coapled rv hit by LdboM and an Infleld b) Chapman, pave tha their flrs1 In the with two out, Oreaey put the hall In Manda roi I ami un. Jach Knight bia Ural appearance hi i Kew rk uniform and I ordtal lion from thf leu tbouaend "fan OH hand. I The NKw air 1 0 0. nie I ft 0 pmee, I onnell.p 1.

I 0 io 13 0 Danleli if 4 ft I ft I 1 Ih 4 ft I II knight lb I 0 I 0 1 r.ran?: If 1 0 i 4 0 1 ft i ft ft tl 4 ft no on Mitchell, pol 1 1 4 1 Mldlalir, tb. in i 10 ft oft i tala i io 114 43 rsa thirteenth Cleveland 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 York 1 0 0 f' let bei Ses ork, Yaae man Mem. kiff. Cree, Johns! Dan 1 ,,11 V-rk, Cleveland, a 1 Knlsht ,0.0. 11 Pu klni KnifM John MLlklfT ami 1 all? OH tr.

I. off 'Onnell I MH hell a oui Plaher 1 bjr llci'onn. hell Hit i-ihlK-r In McCor.nail. 4 and re.n JOE JACKSON OF NAPS SLIDING BACK TO FIRST BASF AS JACK KNIGHT TRIES TO CATCH HIM OFT THL BAG lilil? LONG TO IE Darkness Ends Game in Fif? Sustains a Broken Jaw. a- ilngton.

In the loi Ami on ihe groundi here I and Si bottled to an I to 8 1 had to tit on account of the fifteenth Inning. and Kngt I the hut i oth hit foi in tli first Inning and tine game, did on In th? fourth, atop the heav? hlttlns ol Bl The game ti, Into a between Well) I men Agm lit In the fa ngel in the fourth Innli wl I bal Ile probably will I of the game foi 1 al-r i I. 7 I 4 I 8 1 7 11' 04 0 0 1 1 71 1 I .1 1 1 it n. i a i rt ft 77 ft Un ft ft ft ti Washington 'I 3 in I Milan. v-ii.

1 Hit i Ie RED SOX WIN BATTING BEE Wildness of White Sox Pitchers Costs Team Game. over I lied Red it? IB i i i 7-ib I 1 I rr a I 1 a victor? foi 7 to Bill nr- lea del of Ih? 'Hi- I ulin 1 ft 1 ft rv 1 li) led ft 1 I I. I II 1 II 1 II "I KllRie I In 2 PtOlt I. i toes i. til on hull? off Radient.

leoit? i nit t. ofl i I i i Kj Ben? I Wild 1 ime 2 i i tores HARD LUCK BALKS DUBUC Two Scratch Hits Stand Be twecn Him and No-Hit Game. Phi Two hard hit Oft Hi thl him from for a vie I II PHI! AM I I'M al.rti ft i 11 te i if 4 1 i tee i -i -i Moi i i i. i ft i I i ft i i i i a 1 i 11 i i i i ft 3 ft 1 i 1 ft 8 4 111 p. in inrilh Inniit? I (i ii Double I I'll Iplila Il Dul off Detroit, I I I HI- I'" 151' Ehswkey, I pm.h--8ha.vkav 1 .41 V.van? Baseball Race in Big Leagues fO-DAT.

New W. I ii ni i laclenell. ri.ihi.lrlplii il Piti.b.irch. Le 1:1 i is i i PHIsberah, l.i I II I -1 W.UFA New Vorl. .11 .701 II Plillii.

1,1. no te Kl. I e.ii? la i.i un. ta Hit il tUI I I. Ni-i? I lu? ic- si i vi BsMeetae -i i i I i si i RDA1 lr? ri Ne? of I lli-lroil 'i i LI- I vv i seU mi KTAXOIMi I i ibwiu leael uni Ir.mi IVaeh'losi.

It .1 I la AI York II II IN UIIN I I VI, I I i. (Ml lo XtSWerti H' Inmuto It? ll Iir-l-. I l'ri-l i.lrii. fltt? i. i ni MMrireal si KAMEN i si i Xewerh i i.

1 4 I l'rin lilen. e. IliiITi-1 Bslttsssre, Mootivel, vNiMNi. ri VVII? I ,1 Rot heeler Meelresl Ii 00 Italllmnre I Ma 1..0 11 i I ll.iff.ilo ('. -1er'? I it i 10 ft I I LE WINS ANOTHER GAME FOR INDIANS Toronto Makes Last Rally in the Ninth and Averts a Shut-Out.

'i "i i Lee i gam? ft am To II run bed 'I i I'-llte- se i i ti i. ist i si i si i I ll SKEETERS GET A DRUBBING Rochester Piles Up Score in Looseiy Played Came. i. -g Rocheatei Julj -Rochester falrl i i wea OUI "i i i the 1 all, but it fel i intif hi oi foil? 111. Mart In.i i ft 11 Mm i i If.

i i i ia il i I 0 I ft ft ft I 1 r. i i i ii I I 1 i i a ai in? i i i III '4 ft I I I I I hi itlali Un, i- I- I i-li- In I I B) i- if ml? I 'i Mi I I.Ill? il Mai i. 1 1 'i Itnt 'i Mullen BALTIMORE. MONTREAL 2. AI Montr.

.,1 Beltlmorc 7 1 Monti el. 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 I Batteries Denforth and Bgan; Ifaeon end add 1 PROVIDENCE, 7: BUFFALO, 4. Al r.uff:,', nu. id? i' 1 1 ii i 1 7 pi Buffalo 0 0 1 a 0 1 ti 9 2 Siine, Mitchell and Frill and Scores Five Runs Without Making a Single Safe Hit Carey Makos I Baseball Rec? ord as Pirates Drub Phillies in Joke dame. ieM allot pitchei -in i teller? I a il vv'-r' tl hall.

he .1 fumble "tl Vlll'l pi) 1 II. lop of t' the a nd 'l'ii. rai 'e their Only in th tirs? inning, after two men were out, on triple and a wild felino i rgRt'-toH i iin.M'ii.i at. r'? I -111 1 Komi 1 ft 1 0 ft -031 11 -iiiiift ft in i i i 1 i ft'io Kllltf? III I ft ft in? I 1 I I Wild i-i? Marahl WHITE SETS RECORD Leads Newspaper Golfers in First Appearance as a Member of Club. holder, himself well In hla flrM foi le two si lekr Th? i follows In i tied hei for the hit? and iii nd J.

bull I Wh and th? tighten 'i thai bin na, uf Ha? the II troke bet i. i folio? ill Ill 1 .1 I Dril ttai. il? Ir? M. I i i i i mi 124 i i 11 I i 18 II II i RICHMOND AGAIN IN FRONT Wins Golf Title of Carpet Men for the Third Time. i or the third ear Richmond, of Boston, won the champion of the Carpel Tradi Ooll hen he I.

pei kit? "hi In the final round ol i tit i namerri i Ihf Rah- hut-j In it ii ild, however, that hmond had hi out, h. found II lO I'l? Millet. 'I'll li.lie III round .1 Bhoaff, ihe Bcarsdale golfer, i i 11 h. the narro? margin of i up Perkins advanced throuah accomplish? ing ol i --f New i up and pin) In Brow of i i itb, i HuhiMi.i. ot Vork, won.

a rard "i I. 77 TRI-STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. Vm k. I. ntovv I.

Trenton, Wilmington 10; Ity, i TO-DAY. I r. i Polo Il RACE EA1Y Metropolitan Trotting Meeting to Run One Day Longer in Brooklyn. Three ra for wen run off I I trotting racea 1 class were I i i left i -hen. William I hi? Im? and limn.

and i Mars i Butler, pi.o i the first heal linlahi hu? he up .1 runs in I I under I snd tftci It will I I tro1 and .,1 il i-? ill i Inn- I Jack 3 11 ii i Bui Mm ti II-. vi Mulla. Mal-tiei IB I'Ai'IMI -ll CI.AHri PIT t- Seanhtlfh Broa i. i i ham. Hell? r.

i i i n. t. i men lelloi ris to. rat, hit, Mullad) illi in -t i il I 1 11 ii i ALLIS DEFEATS GARDNER Pairs with Wood in Final of Western Golf Tourney. t'htrago I- mu of and Warren chl? ill plaj ne.i row the ilnal round for ihe rhampionahlp of the Weal lotion, in th? ml.flnal round played Homewood i'ountr) in io da till a Oardn? i.

forniei nstlonal chamidon, of Ihe Hlnadaie riub, hicago, up and I i i Wood defeated loaeph l.e Due, up 7 phi) progress through the tournament la? ulai if he oi ea 11 tor) over to-morroa he hav? won the nhamplonahip b) of the beal itol.era In tmertca ood and I les hick "i, Jr. NINE BEATS SUPERBAS Troy, N. The Tu.v Now i fort State League team defeated the Brooklyn Superbs In an exhibition gam? Hi afternoon b) acore of 2 to 1 with 1 batting rail) In the ninth Inning Wintere, former!) erith Boston winning ball for th? bom? team Th? BOOrS by innings follows It II 0 0 0 I 0 2 2 Brooklyn.or>000 100160 Batterien-Winters and Walker mid New York A. C. Gets Big Games Tracer? lahiml.

(lie home (he orU let If I luh. will he the of met lr.i?k und Held*i|il<.n*?hl,i meet ins: on -it urdii altere see, ml? er SO. Dell riebe, Iba Vnrk Ihe V. I mude the Keeses eKetleg of ihe the of Sullliaii tittt eien mst. The of the Iri-h- Anierl un -rieb and the honor bslileg the hit' awarded Im.usl.T lo Ken I lui? V.

Matthews, elialrmiin Hie i ares In m.ike Ihe iirriiiriil Ihe CONTINUOUS PLAY IN C. P. Beadleston, in First Ap of Season. Up to His Game. rliban? igeneett Her.

R. July oe a r-onttnuous'.- i-- Seven trami took perl i-, i good die pie) nt the gem? The ball went upend down held in the ruehea toxnh und the ponlee men to their uttermoal Each nu 'ir. duel enteei and fought out to the llmll Roa the i then goals, mu.i i' Burke, Californien, played ihe two heee brought their from Californie, and they All the without I i- Beadlaat tiuir drat appeeraneee for the and lattei pleyed exceptionally Joehua took pert, bul ais i tat senior I wee IndH it and In as 1st il hit- He 1 for tour FIRK1 OAM PEROQ1 I I l- II i More- 4-1' l' Hunt i. Peroqu? ii I.B.Thomas, P. Milla, I UAMI ONE-DAY INDICAP THF.

ARM! Keen in w. I TV'S I Indi Itralj ii W. 0 PW.i PI Rl? DAT HANDICAP a i i It Pell I lark 1 i DAT HANDICAP I i Refers R. i CAM M. DAT M' BOCK i i i l-V.

I. I I I I It? fer.e?(l -r? 0 FAT PRICE FOR POLO PONY Mr. Kingscote, Englishman. Pays $20,000 for Mount. N'arragana Pia July I I in Texea end by -la'lloii First Uodfre I well know el II hem nil nnd il l'h-' merkable Im? t- of i England Aoibitaeg ii' K.ik Ich 'apta "i i I de matches i larb bough) BBLMOlfT PARK ENTRIES.

PIRH. RACK Mllni miles V.l., VVt I nrn it? III lift II: llalli IM I Ms Narres Ml IIK on IMl im I'OH iili'i? RACE llandl? sp; upward seien main i fei ihahli IK) (Kean 11 III arr-tll i.i lot 101 i.i iirr I I II i I'. elKl.lli mil- in Miller Ill i Mi, i 103 i'ii ii.iii.ii. ip four ipwenl Iboul two -n n. an, Msltbla 119 Oariti ill RACE Maid? n-, ihi yggrs old an I 'ne mil? Hunch o( 101 Deerflsld IM VV IWIIe Id IM Mm 1.1 IftZ 'Apprenties sllewas et five panads clalmd.

STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. Scranton, i I r-'. ranton i tice, Rlmlre, (lat? Alben) i (2dl Syracuse, SVlIkea-Barre, llkes Barre I. recuse, 0 ildi RACING BELMONT PARK AT I RACE IHAf.N'S leave aula Station i i "VV I iso Kistbush 12:30 hOO. SI Nlanrf si AO Formally Dismisses Protest by Yankees Over the Hal Chase Trade.

NO BASIS FOR COMPLAINT Buffalo and Providence to Play a Regular League Game for the "Fans" of Detroit. Ban .1 im on, prestdd il o' I can League, formal'v dismissed Thursday evening tin pr tes' Bled th? vv Tort ClUfc on the tra-1 wIm-i, Hal the Chicsgjo BOS ex' lor B-dlie arvj il- forecasted the in an inform! Btotetnenl lished In The Tribune da in Anally settling rae? an (nveetlgatlon Mr. Johneoo s.iai "Tlif New Vork cluli nid not have 4 j- that via- I' Condition over the aithnugr, th.ii he war? ready to I 1 1- best "On investigation I found that had played wltk ttte Whit. when ever neede-i tor ten days piwelOOl the and for five days with tl? Yankee? following the deal Thl? the claim that was not in condition. 'A- to he placed w-tk Yankeea hla weak hitting- 'o the Jrrs of International league omplalnl as not fully -i the Wally Smith, the third te.

th? LOUiS lut wlnter, is playing al! the lent? of the So'lthern major duba a-e for his s. The late rumor of trad? Involves sat m. i. ntod 11, Detroil and like change." for Reb oung IW, and -'happell. th? high 1 rl- young outfielder Chicago White Sot ilk? drei Lorensen, a young e-v pitchir.

the 1 from th? ottutnwa lui? oi the tem? sue teams, will seen in 1 guiar larg. number 11 of the Provide-. mtrfl tart Bill Donovan, matt tl 1 i oil ivlni HB8 Ami pennant, originally a- fir Il'ifi il rhi I'nlon Pi nters' I.eigne will be in litte It of Sep 1 offered by Herrmann, chairman nt the National following wtB bi renrcs. 1 I Otk, Philadelphia Boato? Washington, Pittsburgh. bicagessl Si denial that I- wUI no? for in thi 1 -rl? 1 tt aura.

rig message burgh last night "Report trade HendrU ta Tesreau and Bchaefer. cal BOUnd asleep. SUPERBAS BUY A PITCHER Pay $7,000 to the Montgomery Club for Elmer Brown Montgom? 'ic-mi-l Elmer Brown, pitcher, to the Broat" 47 888 made f--r the Bl Amen. ans. I rpttofl pltettcr, and wll dividid The Bro? 1 eaei 1 sa ting inning, a'w Pia) et t-' 1 MORRIS KNOCKS OUT BENEDICT Ig ted est i.

of Oklal "ma. In I of 1 schedul himself, Benedlcl at lita tim ind Into er? nee Handing up a I I STRONG BREAKS GOLF RECORD Herbert Stroni Club'a Old I'm. .0.1 1 round IB The mark to! i.i?.!.- i.v ie by if aeak i- Dowtlng --i ature Ihr a enlh hoi? green i-i ami holed a ban put. i.i.ii fells 1 4 I In i i i (Pub Tribune readers believe in The une I anything tial in the Used Car held? Tribune Motor Wants are by an audience of great purchasing It MM Kit 1 ithei i. tiliiatviut.

i- louilna, .1 All "AUTOMOBILES FOR 7. 7 PASSKNtlKR Packard iv mentB Tel..

New-York Tribune from New York, New York (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.